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Creating enduring, livable communities.

STRIDE Properties has the experience and capability to provide professional services in all areas of the development process. We understand that each investment property or development project is different and unique with some having special characteristics that may limit maximum functionality, such as setbacks and height restrictions. We can help properly utilize these potential challenges and guide you through the development approval process, enhancing the value of your investment.

For any one project, we can coordinate over 10 different consultants including landscape architects, municipal planners, engineers, and architects/building designers.  To ensure a smooth process, your project must be managed correctly in order to minimize potential risks. By selecting a competent project manager and utilizing expert consultants, you can save money and minimize unwanted issues throughout your property development process.

Call us for a complimentary initial consultation where we will discuss and understand what your property development plans are, and what you aim to achieve. Our Project Management fees are charged on a performance basis set by a number of stages. Meaning, if a stage is not completed, the fee for that stage is not required to be paid.

& Market Research
Financial Budgets
/ Cost Analysis

Project Consultation

Pre-Development Consulting

Market feasibility of a project must be well established in order to minimize risk, attract financing or secure investment capital. Proper project assessment including data collection and interpretation can often take the risk out of many real estate projects. Establishing realistic budgets and schedules provide the basis for proper financial evaluation.

Services provided include:

  • Confirm Market Conditions and Potential for Development
  • Feasibility Analysis
  • Strategic site selection and sourcing
  • Prepare Development Concept Plans
  • Municipal entitlement preliminary analysis
  • Review Current and Potential Zoning Conditions
  • Obtain/Review Environmental Reports and Title Matters
  • Determine Utility Service Options
  • Determine Options for Profitable Development
  • Financial pro forma with revenue & cost analysis
Development Consulting

Once your project’s strategic plans have been clarified during pre-development, we can help advance your project by coordinating tangible milestones.

Services provided include:

  • Identify, Evaluate and Structure Property Acquisitions
  • Manage municipal entitlement and approval processes
  • Negotiate and Procure all Regulatory Approvals (Official Plan, Zoning, Draft Plan, Site Plan)
  • Obtaining/Modifying Project Approvals
  • Developing Community Outreach Programs to Support Challenging Approvals
  • Acquire All Required Licenses and Permits To Permit Construction
  • Identifying, Retaining and Actively Managing the Project Consultant Team (Planning, Engineering, Architectural, Design, Property Management)
  • Developing Preliminary and Final Budgets
  • Creating Realistic and Achievable Development Schedules
  • Determining Options for Profitable Development
  • Develop and Oversee all Marketing, Sales and Leasing Strategies

Strategic Planning & Asset Management

Strategic Planning

Beginning with an understanding of the owner’s goals and objectives, we will formulate a focused and customized solution. We will help achieve your goals and expand performance of your real estate holdings.

Achieving the highest and best use for your real estate asset is complicated in an ever changing market conditions. Careful evaluation and assessment may help to unlock more value from the underlying asset. This phase of the real estate process offers the opportunity to assess any major capital improvement programs, maximize cost savings, and generate lasting benefits through revenue preservation and growth.

Asset Management

Unlike real estate property managers, who handle the day-to-day activities related to a property’s operation, real estate asset managers focus on maximizing property value for investment purposes. The purpose of asset management is to cultivate market value so ownership can increase returns.

The broad objective of asset management is to maximize property value. This means reducing expenditures when possible, finding the most consistent and highest sources of revenue, and mitigating liability and risk, among other things. The asset manager specializes in financial matters, while the property manager specializes in property.

Asset Managers are entrepreneurial in nature, we are hired to act like an owner and look out for the owner’s best interests.

Services provided include:

  • Evaluating/Analyzing Current Operating Assets to Unlock Financial Opportunities
  • Evaluating Options to Reconfigure/Expand Existing Developments to Create More Income
  • Analyzing existing projects for value-enhancing opportunities
  • Asset management and repositioning strategies for distressed properties
  • Work Closely with Property Managers and Leasing Agents
  • Negotiate Third Party Contracts
  • Provide Assistance During Acquisition and Disposition

Financing Support

Through our network of contacts in the financial community we are able to assist Owners in obtaining financing by conventional and non- conventional sources.

Services provided include:

  • Assist in Obtaining Project Financing (Senior Debt, Mezzanine and Equity)
  • Preparing financing packages for lenders
  • Interim financing via conventional/non-conventional sources
  • Term financing to suit Owners long term goal

Municipal Liaison

New development projects can often involve the complicated business of maneuvering through the municipal approval process. We pride ourselves in being able to offer this service to our clients as an option.

Services provided include:

  • Coordinate consultants
  • Zoning/Bylaws
  • Public consultation
  • Budgeting for service work
  • Coordinating utility companies
  • Subdivisions
  • Utility Rights-of-Way/Easements
  • Municipal Service Agreements
  • Encroachment agreements
  • Supervise contractors
  • Regular job site meetings
  • Resolve construction problems
  • Monitor contractor


Real Estate is one of the largest assets that someone either buys or sells. This can be a stressful process, if you are considering selling your property, we would be happy to discuss your options.


Please contact us at: (250) 387-2554 or via email.


Need more information? Contact us.

(250) 387-2554
112-9800 McDonald Park Rd.
North Saanich, BC V8L 5W5